
Care available in your workplace

You would like to offer treatments within your company?

Hexa Physio will come to your workplace. Whether it is to answer your questions, evaluate workstations, reduce the risk of injury or treat your injuries, our team is at your disposal. Our goal? To provide you with care adapted to your needs, without you having to travel.

What are the benefits for your team?

  • Healthy employees are more productive, more creative and better able to handle the daily stresses of life and work.
  • Healthy employees are absent from work less often, reducing disruptions at work. In fact, wellness programs have been shown to reduce short-term sick leave.
  • These programs are an important element in recruitment and retention.
  • Education of preventive techniques in the workplace helps prevent recurrence of work-related injuries.
  • Employees no longer have to take time off work to be treated. They can be seen before or after work hours or during lunch hours.

Statistics show that companies that care about their employees’ health improve morale, increase their ability to attract and retain critical employees, and enjoy more alert and productive people.

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