
General Massage Therapy

Why consult a massage therapist?

Whether it is to relieve muscular tension, to relax, to clear your mind or to reduce daily stress, massage therapy helps you feel better and improve your general condition.

The benefits of massage therapy are numerous, here are some examples:

  • soothes and calms;
  • relieves pain;
  • improves the quality of sleep;
  • makes muscles more supple;
  • helps release tension;
  • promotes a greater range of motion;
  • can help reduce anxiety and stress;
  • improves your body awareness;
  • can help you perform better in your sports and leisure activities


How does a massage therapy session work? 

  1. The session begins with a meeting with your massage therapist who will ask you questions about your general health and inquire about your goals for the session. At this time, you can specify to your massage therapist which muscle areas you feel are most tense and/or which areas you would or would not like to be massaged.
  2. During the massage, the massage therapist will make sure that you are comfortable and will ask if the pressure is adequate.
  3. At the end of the session, the therapist may give you some recommendations or refer you to a health professional if he/she thinks it will help your condition.

Finally, the massage therapist will inform the patient of his analysis of his evaluation and will give him different tips and exercises to do at home that will help him improve his condition.


Si vous présentez une douleur ou si vous voulez prévenir l’apparition d’une problématique, notre équipe de massothérapeutes saura bien vous prendre en charge.

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