
Improvement of eating habits

What does improving my eating habits mean in concrete terms?

Depending on your goals, a discussion between you and our nutritionist will take place to discuss your current eating habits and then determine possible improvements. A plan that will be gradual and adapted to your daily life and desires will be presented to you. It will be a collaboration between your expertise in your daily life and the expertise of our nutritionist to guide you.


Why consult?

To be accompanied in the achievement of your long-term goal, to separate it into gradual and realistic objectives. To have benchmarks in nutrition, to be supported and reassured on the progress. Be accompanied during relapses or difficult periods.

Learn to eat well in a simple and pleasant way!


Examples of reasons behind a consultation:

  • Understand what a balanced meal is and get quick and simple ideas
  • Understand the role of nutritious snacks and get ideas
  • Rediscovering your food preferences and your hunger and satiety signals
  • Develop healthy eating habits
  • Reading labels and nutrition facts tables
  • Meal ideas for busy times
bien manger

At Hexa Physio, all our therapists are trained to help you achieve your goals.

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