
Getting back into shape

It has been shown that nearly 60% of the Canadian population is overweight. Hypertension and type 2 diabetes are also prelavent. Bad lifestyle habits such as a diet too dense in calories as well as a lack of physical activity and sleep are the main causes.

Faced with a desire to lose weight and be healthier, many will turn to training to achieve their goals. This is a good idea, but complete supervision is even better!

Which professional is best suited to accompany me in my fitness process?

The kinesiologist is the professional by excellence to accompany you in your fitness process. His academic background has taught him the best techniques for :

  1. Behavioral changes
  2. Prescription of adapted and safe exercises
  3. Motivational encounters
  4. Education on healthy lifestyle habits

Supporting your fitness process is a must to maximize the achievement of your goals.

Starting now is a commitment to good health! If you have any questions about getting back into shape or would like to be accompanied in this process, our team of kinesiologists will take care of you.

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