
Follow-up with pregnant women

Why consult osteopathy during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a state of rapid change and adaptation of the woman’s body. It can be said that the body is in a state of imbalance during the entire pregnancy, and even after delivery. Faced with these constant changes, the body may have difficulty adapting and certain pains may arise. This is why osteopathic treatment before, during and after pregnancy can be very beneficial for many women who are about to give birth.


Before the pregnancy

In order to reduce the risk of discomfort and pain, a visit to the osteopath before conception is recommended to optimize the circulation and mobility of the different regions that will face changes during pregnancy. Even if no pain is present, some dysfunctions may already be present, which increases the risk of pain during the gestation period. 

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, osteopathic treatment aims to promote the adaptive capacity of the pregnant woman’s body. A global approach is recommended, but certain structures require special attention, including the pelvis, the spine, the ribs, the hips and the cranio-sacral system. Several factors can contribute to an alteration (sometimes excessive) of the mobility of these regions. Increased relaxin levels, gradual weight gain and postural changes, among others, increase the risk of pain in pregnant women. The gentle approach of osteopathy will help to regain optimal mobility of the body in order to relieve the various discomforts present before, during and after pregnancy. 

Reasons for consultation:

  • Mechanical (lumbosciatica, pubalgia, coccydynia, spinal/chest/hip pain)
  • Digestive (nausea, vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux, difficult digestion, constipation)
  • Uro-gynecological (feeling of heavyness, urinary incontinence)
  • Migraines
  • Muscle cramps
  • Oedema in the lower limbs
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep disorders
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome


After pregnancy

Childbirth is an event that can be very intense, and can even be considered traumatic for many women. Not counting the various possible complications, this stage of life can lead to several dysfunctions frequently accompanied by variable pain. Indeed, after childbirth, some areas may be hypermobile and others hypomobile due to the creation of tissue adhesions during the recovery period. Osteopathy allows the body’s mechanical mobility to be adjusted and helps the various muscle groups affected during pregnancy and the postpartum period to return to normal. The osteopath also helps the mother by guiding her with pelvic floor and abdominal strengthening exercises in order to optimize the gradual return to regular activities.


An osteopathic consultation can therefore be beneficial as much in prevention before pregnancy, as during it or after delivery. Make an appointment to optimize your well-being.

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