
Eating disorders

What are eating disorders?

Eating disorders are mental illnesses in which attitudes towards the body, weight and food are disturbed. The sufferer considers that his or her value as a person is dictated by the shape of his or her body and by his or her weight. They develop a real phobia of gaining weight, resulting in unhealthy behaviours towards food, exercise and/or the use of laxatives and diuretics.

There are four medically defined types of eating disorder: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and unspecified eating disorders.

They require a medical diagnosis and are considered an illness in their own right.

Think you might be suffering from an eating disorder? Don’t hesitate to consult a nutrition specialist for support tailored to your needs.


Examples of reasons for a consultation :

  • Anorexia
  • Bulimia
  • Binge eating (formerly known as bulimic hyperphagia)
  • Bigorexia
  • Orthorexia
  • Mummyrexia

At Hexa Physio, our team is well trained and equipped to take charge of your condition and help you achieve your goals.

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